Things To Do On Holiday In Cape Verde

Cape Verde is a very rare combination of primeval nature and European level of service. Tourists come to these islands to take a break from civilization and explore the unique, beautiful and exotic underwater world of the islands. In addition, the republic is one of the five world centers of windsurfing, as well as one of the world centers of sport fishing.

Here’s what we’ve choose for you:

Things to do on holiday in Cape Verde

While many will go on holiday to Cape Verde to relax and unwind passively while enjoying the sounds of the Atlantic Ocean surf, it is undeniable that the islands of this beautiful archipelago are teeming with active activities and adventure, primarily outdoors. Whether you want to try activities both on the sea and on land, there are plenty of opportunities to do both, with plenty of water sports available for outdoor enthusiasts. We have compiled a list of some of our favorite activities. which we recommend you try during your holidays in Cape Verde.


From the end of November to June, the islands of Cape Verde boast ideal wind conditions for various types of surfing and sailing. The most popular of which is windsurfing. Sal Island is especially good for those who are hoping to try some water sports during their Cape Verde holiday. Local experienced instructors are always happy to help you book your windsurfing lessons or course. Perhaps after a holiday in Cape Verde you will become a world star in this sport.

Quad biking

Local travel agencies offer a range of guided quad bike tours of Sal Island and if you’re willing, you’ll spend most of your holiday exploring professional tour routes, gliding along the white sand beaches, exploring some of the island’s most popular destinations and attractions. Stops during the motorcycle tours include Pedra de Lume salt mines, Kite beach, Algodoiro oasis and the beautiful Ponta Preta beach and many other places of interest.


Fishing is considered one of the most rewarding and popular excursions in Cape Verde. The world record for catching marlin was set in Cape Verde, and many travelers also like to catch smaller fish. There are many individual fishing trips around the islands of Sal and Boa Vista. Go fishing with local fishermen, you will find many offers for organizing fishing by local travel companies.

kite surfing

Good winds in Cape Verde, from late November to June, mean that on the beach at this time of year you can usually see a lot of kites flying above the waves. Cape Verde has quickly become one of the best kite surfing spots in the world. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced kite surfer, you’ll find that Cape Verde is a great place to get started in the sport or further expand your abilities and improve your skills. Bolder.


Not all water sports are above water, there are plenty of adventures to be found underwater. Those wishing to go diving will find a rich underwater world and sunken ships here. Every year, diving becomes an increasingly popular sport in Cape Verde. Here you will find a large number of dive centers, which are located on the islands of Sal and Boa Vista. April to October is the best time for diving and snorkeling when you can expect to see a variety of turtles and other marine life.

Beach sports

Along the beaches in Cape Verde, you will stumble upon numerous beach sports activities that involve singles, friends or families. Whether it’s beach soccer or everyone’s favorite beach volleyball. A number of hotels in Cape Verde offer a variety of sporting events to suit all tastes.

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