Best Safari Countries in Africa

Safari in Africa can be safely called one of the new wonders of the world. Just imagine endless savannas and snow-capped mountain peaks, fabulous landscapes and numerous herds of wild animals freely walking along the road to a watering hole, dangerous predators and overweight hippos, tall giraffes and black and white zebras. The pristine and wild Africa is something that every traveler should experience! Where can you see all this splendor? In seven African countries with the best safari programs, which we will discuss in the article.

What is safari?

Originally, “safari” was the name of hunting wild animals in Africa. Unfortunately, hunting safaris were so popular that over time, the number of wild animals in Africa decreased significantly, and some of their species were completely exterminated or were on the verge of extinction. Therefore, after the adoption of strict legislation regulating hunting in Africa, safaris have taken on a more peaceful look and turned into excursions in the continent’s wildlife.

Safari programs in Africa can be easily found throughout the central, eastern and southern parts of the continent. However, the best of these are the BIG-5 programs. During these safaris, you will see the five main animals of Africa – rhinos, elephants and buffaloes, lions and leopards. Extended BIG-7 programs also include cheetahs and hyenas. In addition, during the safari, you will see giraffes, hippos, crocodiles, antelopes, zebras and many other representatives of the African fauna.

Is safari in Africa safe?

As a rule, safaris go on off-road vehicles or special open cars of national parks. At the same time, the rangers (they are the ones who will take you on the safari) know which animals and how far you can approach. They will also tell you the safety rules when meeting with predators and some equally dangerous herbivores.

And remember, during a safari, you cannot move outside specially equipped trails, as well as get out of the car outside the official recreation areas. In addition, it is forbidden to drive through national parks at night, unless, of course, you went on an officially organized night safari.

Safari in Africa is not a trip to the zoo or circus. The local national parks are home to absolutely wild animals that are not used to humans and did not live in captivity. Therefore, your attempts to get closer, they will perceive as a potential threat. So, when going on a safari to Africa, we advise you to take a camera with good optics and not risk trying to see the local animals as close as possible!


Etosha National Park is the largest national park in Namibia. It covers an area of ​​22,270 km² and is considered one of the best safari destinations in Africa. Here you can see the entire BIG-5 program in one day. In addition, Etosha National Park is home to the tallest African elephants and rare black rhinos.

The best time to travel to Etosha National Park on a safari is the local dry season, which lasts most of the year (March to November). At this time, animals rush to the watering hole at the only lake in the area – Etosha Pan. It is there that you will see the entire African fauna at once.

The only difficulty is that there are no officially organized safaris in the Etosha park. So you have to rent an SUV and go there on your own. Let’s face it, this is much more dangerous than with an experienced ranger. But don’t despair! We have prepared a special expedition to Namibia, which includes a safari in the Etosha National Park. Join our journey and you will not have to worry about logistics and safety! All that remains is to enjoy the beauty of wild Africa.


There are several great safari destinations in Botswana! Firstly, this is the Kalahari Desert and its surroundings. The desert itself also stretches across the territory of neighboring South Africa and Namibia. However, its capital is the Botswana city of Ghanzi. In addition, the Okavango River flows through Botswana, the largest river in the world that does not flow anywhere. In these parts, you will see all the richness of African fauna going to the Okavango to drink.

On the banks of the Okavango River, there is a small Moremi Game Reserve, which is known for a huge variety of birds – 500 species. Well, in the very north of the country, on the border with Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe, there is Chobe National Park. It is famous for its unprecedented variety of fauna. In fact, all the wildlife in Africa can be found on its territory. In addition, it is home to the largest elephant population, with about 120,000 individuals.

Well, in order to combine all these amazing places for safari in one trip, you can plan your trip for a long time and carefully, rent an SUV and hope not to get lost and not be eaten in this absolutely wild and unfamiliar area. However, we have a better idea! Join our expedition to Namibia and Botswana, and we will travel all these beautiful places in one trip!


Mostly travelers come to Zimbabwe to see the famous Victoria Falls. For example, this can be done during our expedition to Namibia and Botswana. However, Zimbabwe has places for a great safari too! And most importantly, you don’t have to travel long and far inland for this.

A little south of Victoria Falls is the country’s largest national park – Hwange National Park. In total, 105 species of animals live on its territory, specially protected in Zimbabwe. In addition, the national park is home to the largest population of hyenas on the entire continent, or African wild dogs.


Kafue National Park is the oldest and largest in Zambia and one of the largest national parks in the world. It covers an area of ​​22,400 km², as you can see, slightly larger than Etosha Park in Namibia. 55 species of African animals live here, however, predators and elephants are not often found. Well, the park is famous for its huge populations of herbivores – antelopes, gazelles and zebras, which love to graze in the flooded meadows along the banks of the Kafue River.

Another great safari destination in Zambia is South Luangwa National Park. It is located in the east of the country along the banks of the Luangwa River and is famous for “walking safari”. In addition, the Luangwa River is home to a large population of hippos. The best time for a safari in the park is the dry season, which falls in April – October. True, there is one but! The Zambian government is trying to preserve the wilderness and unspoiled nature in South Luangwa; therefore, it limits the number of visitors to the national park.


Maasai Mara National Reserve is the most popular tourist safari destination in Africa. Tens of thousands of travelers from all over the world come here every year. Well, the main attraction of the national park is the “Great Migration”, which can be observed from July to October during the entire dry season.

At this time, millions of wildebeests, gazelles and zebras migrate across the savanna in search of a better place to live. In the process of such a “relocation” animals are at great risk, as they need to cross rivers full of dangerous and hungry crocodiles. In addition, Masai Mara National Park boasts an impressive number of predators – lions, cheetahs and leopards.


In the northern part of Tanzania, the savanna territories of the Serengeti continue, which began in Kenya in the Maasai Mara National Park. In Tanzania, they are united in the Serengeti National Park. In this reserve, tourists are offered classic safaris. But from June to October, during the already mentioned “great resettlement”, the national park is simply packed to overflowing with tourists. This is because the main landscape of the park in Tanzania is flat, which means that it is much more convenient to look at the migration of wildebeests, zebras and gazelles here.

Another popular safari destination in Tanzania is the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. This special area of ​​8292 km² is under the protection of UNESCO. It is concentrated around the huge crater of the Ngorongoro volcano with an area of ​​265 km². The territory of the crater is inhabited by wild African animals – zebras, antelopes, gazelles, elephants and even hippos, which are extremely rare in these latitudes. A large population of predators is also observed here. Well, flamingos fly to the lake at the bottom of the crater to nest.

South Africa

Kruger National Park is the most popular safari destination in South Africa and also the largest and oldest national park in South Africa. It stretches along the entire north-eastern border of the country and occupies an area of ​​19,485 km². In the south, along the border of the park, the Limpopo River, known to all of us from childhood, flows.

Kruger Park is the most developed tourist destination for safari in Africa. Here you can join organized safari tours, go hiking or go on multi-day cycling trips. In addition, Kruger Park is one of the safest self-guided safari spots in Africa. The roads are well marked and all the necessary infrastructure is present.

However, if you dream of seeing the wildest Africa possible, the Kruger National Park may disappoint you. On its territory, there are gas stations and even cafes and restaurants for tourists. However, Kruger National Park boasts the largest variety of African animals. In addition to BIG-5, giraffes, hippos, crocodiles, zebras, hyenas and several thousand other species of animals and birds are found here. All of them live in 14 specially organized eco-zones.

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