Helpful Tips For Those Looking To Get Some Sleep During A Flight

Travelers who are accustomed to flying on an airplane know perfectly well how, in fact, it is difficult to fall asleep during an air flight. Even if the flight lasts more than 2 hours, falling asleep is usually simply impossible. Passengers and flight attendants wander on board every now and then, children interfere with sleep. All this affects our ability to sleep peacefully, in order to pass the flight time at least a little.

In fact, there are little tricks, knowing which, you can still try to go to the kingdom of Morpheus. Knowing them, the chances of happily falling asleep on the plane will increase significantly, so delve into it.

Choosing the right place

Whatever one may say, a lot depends on the choice of a seat on board the aircraft. First, book a chair by the window, so it will be more difficult for those who like to wander around the cabin to get to you. At the same time, be sure to avoid places close to the toilet, because someone will constantly be spinning around it. In addition, the backs of chairs located in the immediate vicinity of a demanded room often do not recline, which significantly complicates the process of falling asleep.

Also important is the choice of the side in relation to the passage. Feel free to choose the right row of chairs if you are used to falling asleep on the right side and vice versa. By the way, this rule is quite suitable for those who often travel by commuter trains.

To get your cherished seats, always check in for your flight via the Internet. If you have to do this at the airport, and the “desired” seats have been disassembled, ask to be accommodated at the emergency exit, because there is much more legroom there.

Avoiding distractions

After the right place has been chosen, it is worth taking care of other important points. For example, it is worth giving up the temptation to drink a cup of coffee or a glass of wine, so sweetly offered by a smiling stewardess. The contents of these drinks will not allow you to relax and fall asleep, moreover, they will cause an unquenchable thirst.

You should also be careful with food. You should not eat fatty, salty and spicy foods. Better to limit yourself to a glass of clean water.

You should definitely give up watching TV, playing games on your tablet or phone. The best option is relaxing music in headphones, taking you to the desired kingdom of sleep.

Stocking up on the right things

Comfortable clothing is another key to a good sleep on board. Sleep masks and earplugs will be a great help, which will help create complete isolation from the aircraft society. By the way, you may need an inflatable pillow and a blanket, which are not issued on all flights.

When it comes to medication, melatonin is a great tool for those on a long flight with jet lag. This is a kind of pineal gland hormone, which is responsible for the regulation of circadian rhythms. By the way, it is also found in bananas, cherries and oatmeal.

A few more practical tips

Also, experienced travelers are advised to start preparing for the change of time zones while still at home. This will help you more calmly endure the change in your life schedule. Go to bed and get up earlier if you intend to fly to the east and vice versa – do everything later if you are going to the west.

On board, try to hide all carry-on luggage on the shelf so that it does not interfere with your legs under the chair. Fasten your seat belt over your clothes so that the flight attendant does not wake you up again.

Here’s what the expert also advises: “From time to time flying long distances, you should invariably take a transforming pillow with you, as well as a warm blanket so as not to freeze. Before a meal, make sure to drink aspirin, which dilates blood vessels and melaxen, which helps to fall asleep. “

What secrets of falling asleep do you know?

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